
Thursday, September 29, 2016

I didn't trip while writing about this trip

You might think I was wearing a parka, and shivering the whole time, but you'd also be wrong. One of my all time favorite trips I took was my trip to go visit my cousins in Alaska. It was the last year with my cousins before anyone went off to collage, so my aunt and uncle, and my parents wanted to get us all together one last time. We did so many cool things in the very short three weeks. We camped in yurts, and my uncle showed us how to make firecrackers with matches. We went panning for goal at an old gold mine, I found a whole twelve dollars of gold flakes. I know I struck it can still talk to me your welcome. I jumped off my first high dive with Mikel waiting for me at the bottom. Out of all the things I did, I think that my favorite was riding a old bus though the Denali mountains. I swear we were so close to the edge of this really sketchy road, I was leaning really far left because I thought I would make a difference in weather the bus fell off the side of the mountain. Then these two cubs walked in front of the bus, I thought they were gonna rip us to shreds even though they were so cute. I was nearly killed about twenty times that day, but don't worry because I made it out in one piece, so did everyone else except for that fly I brutally smashed on the window. That was one of my favorite trips.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Quoting The Quotes

First off this quotes is picked by Mia so creds to her. Secondly, I do a lot with quotes, like collecting and remembering them. Lastly, actually having to do with this quote, You shouldn't just be average, you should strive for things you can't have like perfection. Lots of things we can't have we want, and you should always strive to reach them even if you won't grow. Things might slow you or weigh you down along the way, but let it go and "don't just fly soar."