My name is me leaving my light on. My name is me "plopping" on the couch. My name is a question waiting to be asked at the dinner table. This is my name, but my name isn't me.
My name is not me. My name belongs to someone else. My name is French. My name is Hebrew. If I am neither how is this a suitable name for me.
I believe a person can make a name, and not the other way around. Your name does not define the person that you will become. You are whoever you want to be.
If you think about it being named after someone is a bit unintelligent. Your parents might hope that you'll be like this person, but your parents also might be let down.
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." -Dr. Seuss
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Smells drifting though the halls and students not gagging
I've had hot lunch two times in all the years I have been at Golf Middle School; they were because I forgot my lunch. I don't know about you but, that sort of says something about the food. I've seen people order lunch and eat none of it, or sometimes just the apple.
I think that if I had a job at District 67 it would be in the cafeteria as a cook. When I go to camp I have the experience of cooking for thirty people at a time, so I know how to cook for larger numbers. Obviously it would take some work to get good at it, but I believe this job would be something I could totally handle.
If I was the cook I would defiantly change it so that all of the food would actually be prepared in the kitchen. I love to cook and it's one of my passions. I believe that this kind of food would help kids at golf to be able to learn better, due to the fact that they're full. Personally its easier to learn when I'm full. This is the job that I think would be good for me if I had to work at Golf.
I think that if I had a job at District 67 it would be in the cafeteria as a cook. When I go to camp I have the experience of cooking for thirty people at a time, so I know how to cook for larger numbers. Obviously it would take some work to get good at it, but I believe this job would be something I could totally handle.
If I was the cook I would defiantly change it so that all of the food would actually be prepared in the kitchen. I love to cook and it's one of my passions. I believe that this kind of food would help kids at golf to be able to learn better, due to the fact that they're full. Personally its easier to learn when I'm full. This is the job that I think would be good for me if I had to work at Golf.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Gratitude list
As the first snow of the season is falling I am sitting inside sipping a warm mug of tea. Music is playing in the back round. I'm thinking of what I'm going to be doing over break, Thanksgiving being one of them. It's Thanksgiving so what do I have to be thankful for?
- I am so grateful that I am lucky enough to be able to have the opportunity to start my day off right with English class.
- I am thankful that I can listen to music. I love how if allows people to express themselves and relate to one another.
- I am grateful for the books I have to read. These wonderful books give me something to do when I am not busy and allow me to travel to different places inside the pages.
- I am very thankful for all of the wonderful movies that there are. Some movies hep us to laugh when we are down and other allow us to see what others are going though.
- I am grateful that anytime I am hungry I can get a snack. I am glad that my family is able to provide food for me.
- I am thankful for sweatshirts, there's always a sweatshirt to surround me in warmth and , make me comfortable.
- I am grateful for all of the sport that I get to play, not just how they keep me healthy, but how I get to make new friends while having fun.
- I am grateful for colors, it makes the world a brighter place to be.
- I am an overachiever, so I would like to share three things I am thankful for at once, my legs for always (most of the time) supporting me , my arms for always being at my side, and my fingers, I know I can always count of them.
- I am so thankful for my friends, they're always there for me no matter what, and I know that I don't just have to count on my fingers, because I can count on them.
There's a lot of things in this world to be grateful for and I don't think I realize how lucky I actually am. I should try and remember how lucky I am for all of the items and opportunities that I have every day. I am glad that I got to do this blog post because it showed me just how much I have to be grateful for.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Turn left, Thanksgiving will be on your right in 11 days
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Like many American families on Thanksgiving I have a large meal with my family. We have many dishes including, but not limited to: turkey, potatoes, rolls, cranberry sauce, creamed spinach, stuffing, gravy, and our famous soup. This doesn't even include the amazing desserts.
Food is an important part of a meal, but something more important is the people you eat it with. This is the second year that Uncle Benny cannot attend. Last year, my family had a party even though he was absent, but this year we are just having a small one with my aunt and her family.
Thanksgiving definitely won't be the same this year, but you know one thing will never change: I will always eat the most.
Food is an important part of a meal, but something more important is the people you eat it with. This is the second year that Uncle Benny cannot attend. Last year, my family had a party even though he was absent, but this year we are just having a small one with my aunt and her family.
Thanksgiving definitely won't be the same this year, but you know one thing will never change: I will always eat the most.

Thursday, October 20, 2016
I suggest tape to prevent rolling
I'll add some light to this dreary day but it won't be in the sunshine. This memory takes place in Alabama with my cousins. I forgot the reason we went there because I was a wee child but of what I do remember this was a fun and exciting night.
While reading this you should keep in mind I am the youngest in my group of cousins. Being that I am the youngest at the time I thought that a PG-13 movie was a huge deal. Naturally the parents needed some "adult" entertainment so they decided to watch Harry Potter. I don't remember which movie was but I do remember it was rated PG-13 and our parents said we couldn't watch it and had to go to sleep.
We had planned to sleep on the balcony that night. The living room was right below it so if we craned our heads we could see the screen. I being on the end, last as always, had a hard time seeing the screen so I decided to talk aimlessly to my cousin Samantha who was not listening. It was a fun night of giggles and smiling. We all ended up falling asleep but the funny part is that my cousin, Mikel, ended up rolling down the stairs in the middle of the night. On the bright side, it was carpeted.
This night taught me the importance of getting enough sleep when you have things to do the next day. PG-13 movies aren't worth staying up to watch, and sleepovers are so much fun.
While reading this you should keep in mind I am the youngest in my group of cousins. Being that I am the youngest at the time I thought that a PG-13 movie was a huge deal. Naturally the parents needed some "adult" entertainment so they decided to watch Harry Potter. I don't remember which movie was but I do remember it was rated PG-13 and our parents said we couldn't watch it and had to go to sleep.
We had planned to sleep on the balcony that night. The living room was right below it so if we craned our heads we could see the screen. I being on the end, last as always, had a hard time seeing the screen so I decided to talk aimlessly to my cousin Samantha who was not listening. It was a fun night of giggles and smiling. We all ended up falling asleep but the funny part is that my cousin, Mikel, ended up rolling down the stairs in the middle of the night. On the bright side, it was carpeted.
This night taught me the importance of getting enough sleep when you have things to do the next day. PG-13 movies aren't worth staying up to watch, and sleepovers are so much fun.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
10 years? I haven't figured out 1
I find it extremely difficult to think about where I will be in ten years considering, I have not even chosen which sports I will be playing in high school. In the span of ten years I hope to finish all the schooling required for a job. I think I will just finish high school. I might even get all my classes out of the way to focus on sports senior year. At this point I believe that I will most likely be doing college though the military.
Bet your question is, Danielle what are you thinking, what are you going to do in the military? But, a job I'm really interested in doing is being a drill Sargent for the military. I know, I haven't even picked a branch just military. I think this would be a good job for me because I like discipline but I don't like listening to anyone. I will only be instructed by people who obviously know what they're doing more than I do because they got promoted. I come from a line of military background and I'm proud to say that I want to continue that. While that might not happen, it is my hope that this will still be what I want to do when I get older.
I hope that after a few years of deployment, I will have enough training and qualification to find a civilian job. I know that this seems like a lot for just ten years but, ten years is a long time, and a lot of things will probably have changed in ten years.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
I didn't trip while writing about this trip
You might think I was wearing a parka, and shivering the whole time, but you'd also be wrong. One of my all time favorite trips I took was my trip to go visit my cousins in Alaska. It was the last year with my cousins before anyone went off to collage, so my aunt and uncle, and my parents wanted to get us all together one last time. We did so many cool things in the very short three weeks. We camped in yurts, and my uncle showed us how to make firecrackers with matches. We went panning for goal at an old gold mine, I found a whole twelve dollars of gold flakes. I know I struck it can still talk to me your welcome. I jumped off my first high dive with Mikel waiting for me at the bottom. Out of all the things I did, I think that my favorite was riding a old bus though the Denali mountains. I swear we were so close to the edge of this really sketchy road, I was leaning really far left because I thought I would make a difference in weather the bus fell off the side of the mountain. Then these two cubs walked in front of the bus, I thought they were gonna rip us to shreds even though they were so cute. I was nearly killed about twenty times that day, but don't worry because I made it out in one piece, so did everyone else except for that fly I brutally smashed on the window. That was one of my favorite trips.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Quoting The Quotes
First off this quotes is picked by Mia so creds to her. Secondly, I do a lot with quotes, like collecting and remembering them. Lastly, actually having to do with this quote, You shouldn't just be average, you should strive for things you can't have like perfection. Lots of things we can't have we want, and you should always strive to reach them even if you won't grow. Things might slow you or weigh you down along the way, but let it go and "don't just fly soar."
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